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Heritage Rail Trail Walk #3

Year Round Walk

SN: 120140 - 2022 / Y1770

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Former train station at Hanover Junction.
when is the event

The event is closed

From Sat, Jan 1st, 2022 to Dec 31st, 2022

Start box available: 24/7

where is the event

York, Pennsylvania

The address/location to the Physical Start Box (PSB) for mapping services such as Google or Siri is as follows:

Perrydell Farm Store, 90 Indian Rock Dam Rd, York, PA 17403

WARNING: The map pin is for reference only and may not accurately indicate the start box location or the event start.

reasons to do the event

Special programs


CC: York County


Special programs that are applicable to all events or all walks are not shown to reduce clutter.

Event comments

On June 27, 1863, Hanover Junction was defended by the 20th Pennsylvania Volunteer Militia under the command of by Lt. Col. William Sickles.

conditions for the event

Rating: 1B, Distance: 5, 10km

Restrooms: Yes

Pets: Yes

Strollers: Easy

Wheelchairs: Medium

Event information

The walk box is on the front porch, under a bench, and is accessible at all times. Start time dawn to dusk. There are restrooms at the Hanover Junction train station. Easy walk on the York Heritage Rail Trail from Hanover Junction access area North to Glatfelters Station access area and back.


how to get to the event

Driving to the start box

90 Indian Rock Dam Rd., York, PA17403 (717)741-3485. Refer to Heritage Rail Trail Walk #1, Y1771, for directions to start location. You will register here and drive 10 miles to the start point.

Maps phrase and directions link

Click "GO" to bring up the directions on Google maps.

Perrydell Farm Store, 90 Indian Rock Dam Rd, York, PA 17403

This event has a remote start.

10 miles to Hanover Junction, PA.

event sponsor

York White Rose Wanderers (AVA-0236)

Event website: sites.google.com/site/yorkwhiterosewanderers

point of contact

Click inside the box to send an email to the POC.