The Susquehanna River meets Chesapeake Bay in Havre de Grace. Much of the walk is along the LaFayette Trail. Event books for the AVA Special Program - Lighthouses II will be available for purchase.

Event multi-page print
Event Flyer, single sheet. Print landscape, double sided, short side flip.

Print landscape, double sided, short side flip.

Share link: https://my.ava.org/event-view.php?sn=126793

Click to copy link to system's cut & paste clipboard

Lighthouse Keepers!!

Traditional Walk

SN: 126793 - 2024

when is the event

Previous event - 148 DAYS AGO

Starting Sat, Sep 21st, 2024 for 1 day

Start table open: 8 am - 1 pm. Must be completed by 3 pm.

where is the event

Havre de Grace, Maryland

The address/location to the start table for mapping services such as Google or Siri is as follows:

Lafayette and Concord Sts, Havre de Grace

WARNING: The map pin is for reference only and may not accurately indicate the start box location or the event start.

reasons to do the event

Special programs

Great Lakes, Great Fun, Great Fitness, Great Friendships

Lighthouses II


Step to the Beat

Town Halls / City Halls

Walking with America's Veterans

Washington-Rochambeau National Historic Trail

CC: Harford County


Special programs that are applicable to all events or all walks are not shown to reduce clutter.

Event comments

The Farmers Market will be held nearby from 9 am - noon. Some parts of the trail may overlap the popular HdG year round event, which starts on nearby Union Avenue. The Concord Point Lighthouse is along the route.The 4th Annual Susquehanna Wine and Seafood Festival will be at the grounds of the Concord Lighthouse, noon to 8 pm. The 2024 ASICS Susquehanna River Running Festival, presented by the University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health, will start at 8 am at Tydings Park. The Lancaster Printers Fair {The Chesapeake Print and Book Arts Fair) will be from 11 am to 4 pm at Graw Alley.

conditions for the event

Rating: 1A, Distance: 6, 10km

Restrooms: Yes

Pets: Yes

Strollers: Medium

Wheelchairs: Medium

Event information

City walk along parts of the LaFayette Trail. New Walker packets and AVA Special Program event books - Lighthouses II - will be available for purchase at the start point. Only walkers 12 years of age and younger may walk free. Obey city parking regulations! Food is available for purchase at the many restaurants in HdG. HdG Visitors Center: 800 851 7756,

Awards: 'A' Award available

how to get to the event

Driving to the start

From I-95 exit 89, MD Route 155, to Havre de Grace (HdG). MD Route 155 ends at Juniata St. Right on Juniata, left on Otsego, continue under railroad bridge right onto Union Avenue. Straight on Union to Congress Avenue. Turn left. At Market Street, turn right. Turn left at Lafayette St. The site for the Start/Finish table will be in the backyard of the Lighthouse Keeper's House at the corner of Lafayette and Concord Streets. The street address is 714 Concord Street. Parking is available on Lafayette and Concord Streets. Obey HdG parking signs!!

Maps phrase and directions link

Click "GO" to bring up the directions on Google maps.

Lafayette and Concord Sts, Havre de Grace

event sponsor

Baltimore Walking Club (AVA-0418)

Event website: www.baltimorewalkingclub.org

point of contact

Click inside the box to send an email to the POC.