Have a great day viewing wildlife from the safety of a bridge .

Event multi-page print
Event Flyer, single sheet. Print landscape, double sided, short side flip.

Print landscape, double sided, short side flip.

Share link: https://my.ava.org/event-view.php?sn=123984

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This event requires an additional fee from all participants.


Northwest Trek Walk

Traditional Walk

SN: 123984 - 2023

when is the event

Previous event - 452 DAYS AGO

Starting Sun, Apr 30th, 2023 for 1 day

Start table open: April 30 9:30 am to 12 pm

where is the event

Eatonville, Washington

The address/location to the start table for mapping services such as Google or Siri is as follows:

WARNING: The map pin is for reference only and may not accurately indicate the start box location or the event start.

reasons to do the event

Special programs

None provided

CC: Pierce County


Special programs that are applicable to all events or all walks are not shown to reduce clutter.

Event comments

There will be a registration form on the CVC website. NW Trek needs payment two weeks before the event.

conditions for the event

Rating: 2C, Distance: 5(2A), 10km

Restrooms: Yes

Pets: No

Strollers: Medium

Wheelchairs: Medium

Event information

Walk through the Northwest Trek Wildlife Park on paved and grass trails and view the amazing animals.There will be a registration form on the CVC website. NW Trek needs payment two weeks before the event.


how to get to the event

Driving to the start

11610 Trek Drive EastEatonville, WA 98328Traveling north on I-5, take exit 111 and go east on SR 510. Follow SR 510 for about 16 miles to Yelm. In Yelm, SR 510 becomes SR 507. Continue straight through Yelm on SR 507 for about 3 miles until you reach McKenna. Turn right at the first stoplight in McKenna onto SR 702. Travel for 10 miles on SR 702 until SR 7. Cross SR 7 at the blinking light and turn right following the Eatonville Cutoff road. Proceed until you reach SR 161 at Barney’s Corner. Turn left onto SR 161. Northwest Trek is about 2 miles north on the right side of the highway.

Maps phrase and directions link

The address / location has not been set.

event sponsor

Capitol Volkssport Club (AVA-0148)

Event website: capitolvolkssportclub.org

point of contact

Click inside the box to send an email to the POC.