A quiet creek side trail and a walk around the lake. A truly pleasant way to start the day.

Event multi-page print
Event Flyer, single sheet. Print landscape, double sided, short side flip.

Print landscape, double sided, short side flip.

Share link: https://my.ava.org/event-view.php?sn=124442

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Almaden Lake

Year Round Walk

SN: 124442 - 2024 / Y2436

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A view from the trail.
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Family day in the park
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when is the event

The event is closed

From Mon, Jan 1st, 2024 to Dec 31st, 2024

Start box available: Office open Mon-Sat 10am-5pm, Closed Sun. Call (408) 323-8818 for holiday hours.

where is the event

San Jose, California

The address/location to the Physical Start Box (PSB) for mapping services such as Google or Siri is as follows:

Almaden Lake Village, San Jose

WARNING: The map pin is for reference only and may not accurately indicate the start box location or the event start.

reasons to do the event

Special programs



CC: Santa Clara County


Special programs that are applicable to all events or all walks are not shown to reduce clutter.

Event comments

The walk follows Los Alamitos Creek recreation trail, linking serene Almaden Lake with Pfeiffer Park and Greystone Park, then returns to finish encircling Almaden Lake. This is a relaxing route any season and nearly any time of day. Restrooms are at Lake Almaden and Greystone Park.

conditions for the event

Rating: 1A, Distance: 5, 10km

Restrooms: Yes

Pets: Yes

Strollers: Easy

Wheelchairs: Easy

Event information

Office for physical start binder now has a keypad. Call Suzi Glass (408) 592-3935 for the code. Both distances are suitable for strollers, wheelchairs and pets on leash with clean-up. Both Almaden Lake and Greystone Park have shaded picnic areas, playgrounds and other amenities.


how to get to the event

Driving to the start box

Almaden Lake Village Rental Office, 1045 Coleman Road, San Jose, CA 95123. Driving North or South on US 101, take Highway 85 to San Jose and take the Almaden Expressway off-ramp. From the north, turn Left at the end of the off-ramp, then Right onto Almaden Expy. From the south, turn Left onto Almaden at the end of the off-ramp. Both: Continue south on Almaden Expwy to Coleman Ave. Turn Left onto Coleman, then Left at the stoplight into the Almaden Lake Village complex. At the stop sign, turn Left and park near the trail. Walk back past the entry street, then Right up into the rental office. The binder is on the high table to the left of the lobby entrance.

Maps phrase and directions link

Click "GO" to bring up the directions on Google maps.

Almaden Lake Village, San Jose

event sponsor

South Bay Striders (AVA-0338)

Event website: www.sbstriders.org

point of contact

Click inside the box to send an email to the POC.