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Share link: https://my.ava.org/event-view.php?sn=125784
Click to copy link to system's cut & paste clipboardSeasonal Walk
SN: 125784 - 2024 / Y0502
The event is closed
Starting Mon, Apr 1st, 2024 until Oct 31st, 2024
Start box available: Dawn to Dusk
Watertown, South Dakota
The address/location to the Physical Start Box (PSB) for mapping services such as Google or Siri is as follows:
1901 9th Ave SW, Watertown, SD
WARNING: The map pin is for reference only and may not accurately indicate the start box location or the event start.
Special programs None provided CC: Codington County |
Special programs that are applicable to all events or all walks
are not shown to reduce clutter.
Event comments
Take time to visit the Terry Redlin Art Center on east edge of the city. Excellent food at the Ramkota/Minerva's Restaurant. 5K walk will be mostly on the grounds of the Redlin Center. Limited Special Programs available on 5K walk.
Rating: 1B, Distance: 5, 11km
Restrooms: Yes |
Pets: Yes |
Strollers: Medium |
Wheelchairs: Hard |
Event information
Trail is mostly on recreation paths and sidewalks. Follows Big Sioux River, through parks, passes behind Bramble Park Zoo, historic downtown and neighborhoods. Passes inspiration points used by famed artist Terry Redlin in his paintings. Walk is in Codington County. 5K will drive 4 miles to Redlin Art Center to start of walk..
Driving to the start box
1901 9th Ave. SW 605-886-8011 or www.watertown.ramkota.com. From I-29 exit 177 go 4.2 miles straight west on US Hwy 212. Ramkota will be on right. Ask desk clerk for walk folder.
Maps phrase and directions link
Click "GO" to bring up the directions on Google maps.
1901 9th Ave SW, Watertown, SD |
Prairie Wanderers Volkssport Club (AVA-0160)
Event website: www.AVAClubs.org/prairiewanderers
Click inside the box to send an email to the POC.