Walk through a uniqely laid out neighborhood with huge shade trees, historic homes & traffic circles with rose gardens. You will see on both routes some very small statues placed on rocks.Peace Pole

Event multi-page print
Event Flyer, single sheet. Print landscape, double sided, short side flip.

Print landscape, double sided, short side flip.

Share link: https://my.ava.org/event-view.php?sn=126106

Click to copy link to system's cut & paste clipboard

Old Portland

Year Round Walk

SN: 126106 - 2024 / Y2480

when is the event

The event is closed

From Mon, Jan 1st, 2024 to Dec 31st, 2024

Start times: Dawn to dusk.

Hosted on the Online Start Box (OSB) only

where is the event

Portland, Oregon

WARNING: The map pin is for reference only and may not accurately indicate the start box location or the event start.

reasons to do the event

Special programs

Step to the Beat

CC: Multnomah County


Special programs that are applicable to all events or all walks are not shown to reduce clutter.

Event comments

Diagonal street pattern. WOC - Gargoyle, Palm Trees, Park, Playground, Roses, Salons/Spa, Statues, Used, Victorian House, Zones and Peace Pole. ESVA - Whiskey, Vino, Brew, Essential Services and Sustenance Providers, That’s Entertainment. Restrooms are in the back of the New Seasons Store. You must have a code from customer service.Do not park in the store parking lot as there is limited space which is needed for the store customers. Use on street parking.The PSB is not located at the Store. Contact Ed Hainline.Walk is an OSB walk as well.

conditions for the event

Rating: 1A, Distance: 5, 10km

Restrooms: Yes

Pets: Yes

Strollers: Medium

Wheelchairs: Medium

Event information

Uniquely laid out neighborhood with huge shade trees, historic homes, and traffic circles with rose gardens and parks. Explore the Ladd's Addition and Hosford Abernathy neighborhoods with their charming Victorian homes and heritage trees. Start Point: New Seasons Store, 1954 SE Division St, Portland, Oregon.


how to get to the event

OSB - First register for the event

The detailed location of, and driving directions to, the event starting point are included in the event directions, downloaded from the Online Start Box (OSB). To plan your travels, please use the map on this page or the maps phrase below, if provided by the club. The POC does not provide event directions nor accept alternate payment methods.

Maps phrase and directions link

Click "GO" to bring up the directions on Google maps to the event starting point.

New Seasons Store, 1954 SE Division St, Portland, Oregon 97202

The above maps phrase is only provided for planning purposes. The downloaded event directions provide detailed directions to the starting point and possible alternate start point locations. THERE IS NO PHYSICAL START BOX AT THIS LOCATION.

event sponsor

Columbia River Volkssport Club (AVA-0242)

point of contact

Click inside the box to send an email to the POC.