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Fort Caroline

Year Round Walk

SN: 127430 - 2025 / Y1524

when is the event

From Thu, Jan 2nd, 2025 to Dec 31st, 2025

Start box available: 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Physical start box and Online start box (OSB) option

where is the event

Jacksonville, Florida

WARNING: The map pin is for reference only and may not accurately indicate the start box location or the event start.

reasons to do the event

Special programs

None provided

CC: Duval County


Special programs that are applicable to all events or all walks are not shown to reduce clutter.

Event comments

Visit www.nps.gov/timu. Fort Caroline memorializes the short-lived French presence in sixteenth century Florida. Here you will find stories of exploration, survival, religious disputes, territorial battles, and first contact between American Indians and Europeans. Located at Fort Caroline National Memorial, the Timucuan Preserve visitor center hosts the exhibit "Where the Waters Meet." This exhibit showcases the richness of the environment in northeast Florida and how humans have interacted with this environment for thousands of years. The Visitor Center hosts a bookstore and information desk, and activities are available to do while exploring the exhibits.

conditions for the event

Rating: 1C, Distance: 7, 10km

Restrooms: Yes

Pets: Yes

Strollers: No

Wheelchairs: No

Event information

Fee for all walkers is $4. Walk is available 9:00 am-4:30 pm Wednesday through Sunday. Contact park website at www.nps.gov/timu for holiday closures.


how to get to the event

OSB - First register for the event

The detailed location of, and driving directions to, the event starting point are included in the event directions, downloaded from the Online Start Box (OSB). To plan your travels, please use the map on this page. The POC does not provide event directions nor accept alternate payment methods.

This event also has a physical start box. These are the driving directions:

12713 Ft Caroline, (904)641-7155. I95 to exit I295(exit 362. I295 crosses St. Johns River via Napoleon Bonaparte Broward Bridge at Dames Point. Exit at Monument Rd, follow brown signs to left, travel to Ft. Caroline. Right , follow Ft. Caroline Rd as it curves to left at bottom of hill. Entrance to Ft. Caroline Nat'l Memorial ahead on left.Start Box located inside VC behind Ranger's desk.

Maps phrase and directions link

Click "GO" to bring up the directions on Google maps.

Ft. Caroline National Memorial Park, 12713 Ft. Caroline Rd., Jacksonville, Fl

PLEASE do not mix and match between the two registration methods. It will confuse you and the club. Choose one, OSB or PSB, to complete the event.

event sponsor

First Coast Trail Forgers Walking Club (AVA-0868)

Event website: www.FirstCoastTrailForgersWalkingClub.org

point of contact

Click inside the box to send an email to the POC.